A New Lock vs. Rekey

Commercial, Residential, Security

A key for your neighbor, a key for your children, a key for the nanny, a key for the dog sitter, a key for the grandparents, another key for your spouse who misplaced the key last week, another key for your child who lost the key on the bus, a key for your housekeeper…  How many keys have you given out over the years, a few too many to recall?  There are many reasons to change your door locks and key distribution is one; other incentives tend to be the purchase of a new home, stolen keys, and burglary.  In our blog post Is It Time To Change Your Locks? peace of mind, simplicity, and upgraded security are highlighted.  How great would it be having the option to use one key to access the front door, the back door, the garage door, etc.?  Add this reason to the list. Perhaps the current locks are worn, outdated, and temperamental, you have to jimmy the key and leverage all your strength to open the door.  Or perhaps your current lock is adequate and turning the key is without complication, but you feel the lock could be more secure.   You will not find our new locks or hardware in big box stores.  We offer new locks and rekey locks with higher grades of hardware and security.  Using the following criteria, let’s take a look at new locks versus rekeying the existing lock. 

Many new models, styles and finish options.  Some examples:

Model LocksStylesFinishes
Knob ContemporaryBrass
Lever handle TraditionalBronze
Euro profile cylinders Nickel


The process of rekeying a lock requires that only pins and springs in the lock cylinder are replaced.  The existing lock stays in place and continues to maintain the look and feel of the door’s architecture.   


Personal protection is compromised in instances of picked locks, or when locks are kicked and drilled.  With over 40 years of experience in the locksmith industry, we are experts on lock cycles and door strikes.  We will evaluate your existing lock and recommend the best security to protect your family and property.  


Prices on new locks and rekeying a lock will vary, but there are many choices to fit your budget.  We always quote all costs up front.    This summer as you update your home, don’t forget about the locks.  In a future blog post we will discuss choosing a digital lock for your home, stay tuned!